

Mungkin banyak yang salah. Memang. Dan sungguh, sama sekali bukan hal yang mudah untuk berada pada fase ini. Banyak hal yang dikorbankan. Banyak hal yang dipikirkan. Banyak hal yang dilewatkan. Tapi, percayalah kawan, atau siapapun yang memikirkan, ini bukan sekedar keinginan, tapi keputusan yang akan dipertanggungjawabkan.

Banyak hal yang berubah. Dan ketika hal itu diputuskan, sekali lagi, sama sekali bukan hal yang mudah untuk menerima perubahan. But, actually, some will change in life, right? And it's time for being responsible for my decision. Lagipula, jadi semakin kelihatan, siapa yang benar-benar teman, yang bisa jadi pegangan, dan yang selalu berani memberikan kepercayaan. =)

Well, that called life! ^-^

I will not ask for more, but I will never stop try bein worth! And if some are changes, there will possible to return again, which will be change and be the same again. Ah, that's life!

However, when it called life, then it's trully His plans! The thought that finally brave me more and make me smile between these sorrow. The thought that finally made me found the reason why. Not only about taking care, give the time, or blablabla, but more than that!='D

Then, OK! Just say me whatever you all like. But I know it. I'm precious and worthed enough for now. And I won't stop being more and more. Then you won't regret it, insya Allah.. =')

.. dan ikhlas ..

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