
We've made it, Guys!

Sebenarnya pengen ngirim sms ini ke semua panitia IT TODAY 2007, tapi berhubung i jz have limited pulse, jadi, gw cuma ngirim ke BPH, CO dan CO-subnya. Tapi, berhubung gw punya blog yang lumayan suka dibaca (sampai saat gw nulis ini, pengunjungnya udah 1041), jadi, gini inti sms-nya..

We've made it!

These isn't only VE Workshop, MTX2 Seminar, Calendar Design Competition and Plaza IT Bazar.
This is IT TODAY 2007 which organized by Ilmu Komputer IPB!

We've done it, Guys!
You all are cool!

Alhamdulillah, thx Allah, thx for u..
Without you, I'm jz nothing!

Best Regards,
Ovie Asykari,

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