

Tiba-tiba gw dipenuhi kerinduan luar biasa..

Sebenernya tadi random thought gw sedang mencapai tingkat semi akut. Yaah, like what always used to be at last few days. I'm really full and get stuck of my mind! Tadi sih mikir macem-macem BANGET, include UAS, skills, parents, friends, even how i missed person who had dates only with 'devCpp' then i just can only bein wit his Gugi! (moreover, that's all for our properity life, he said so! -hehe=9)


But finally i stoped thinking all around. My mind focus at how i feel so yearning to my family.

Bukan! Bukan keluarga yang di rumah, yang 2 orang itu, tapi yang buanyaaak itu! Yang depannya T! Itu! Itu! Bukan.. Itu! YAP! TAHU LOGAY!! Huhu.. How i miss them much!! Ini bukannya pengen kembali ke masa itu, cuma, bener-bener rindu orang-orangnya! =')

Tibe-tiba inget, dulu kalo Mama tanya, "Siapa sahabat kamu sekarang, Vie?", nggak bisa jawab. Bukan, bukannya nggak ada. Tapi karena BANYAK!! They all are my best friends! They are person who i can share with. They are my (really) precious!! =')

Ni lagi smsan sm Bayu, si kapten Kloset*, ngomongin ketemuan Kloset Selasa besok. Dan sms terbarunya, "--blabla-- gw jg kangen bgt sm lu vi.." And it makes me feel homesick!! Akkh.. Jadi inget juga, betapa bodohnya gw dulu mau aja "dijauhin" sama temen-temen gw karena pemikiran salah seorang yang pernah berarti dari masa lalu gw yang katanya "I have leave my life for u! So, please go with me.." Tho i said, "They came and be there for me far before u", but finally I just left and came only with him.. I was defeated..

Sudahlaaah!! Itu sudah berlalu! Yang jelas, saya exciting sekali mau bertemu Kloseters!!


i have my second thought to be focusing now! Hmm. It won't much better. It makes me confuse. I feel so strange and selfish too! I really dont have any idea about what i have to do!

*there's something happen*

Hmmph.. How can he do those things? How can he be so patient? How can everyone be so patient to such of person like me? Ya! Ovie! Si manja, bandel, ngeyelan, grasak-grusuk, nakal, ngeselin, emosian, keras kepala, susahngomong, berantakan, tukang ribut, toa, suka ngerepotin, psycho (dats true!), macem-macem! What kind of person that can be so patient to such of girl like me?! What should i say? I just loving him much, because of him too..

Hh, ayo Vie! Smangat!! Bein mature! Dont worry! He always walk beside. They always do too! SMANGAT!! =D

Kloset : KoLOni SEkbid Tu7uh (sie. 7 OSIS SMAN 1 Bogor 03/04 called KEMUDI)

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